Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Teaching Practice: A Challenging Time for Student Teachers

A challenge is described as a “new or difficult task that test someone’s ability and skill”.

The challenge that the school that I did my practical at faced, was discipline.  Discipline is the core challenge that this school and every other school faces these days.  The children do not have any respect for the elderly anymore, especially their teachers. They expect that the teachers must give in to their demands. They do not do homework anymore, because they expect that the teachers should just succumb to spoon-feeding. Teachers complain that they struggle to finish the syllabus, because majority of the time they spend on behavioral management and assessing individual learners instead of the class as a whole.

Therefore, discipline has become one of the biggest challenge in our schools and it just gets worse by the day!

Bernelee Jones - 215023943

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